Last night I held my 3 pound baby niece, Olivia Joy. And she is a joy. What a miracle. I believe God has a very special plan for Olivia because of all this little girl has overcome to come into this world. First, she overcame great odds to be conceived. Because mommy was fighting breast cancer she was on birth control and also taking a medication to shut down her ovaries which were feeding her cancer. Yet, with God she was conceived in secret. Eleven weeks later her mommy discovered the secret. Then there was worry that the medicines mommy was taking to fight the cancer were dangerous for baby and could cause birth defects or death to the baby. But with God she survived them with no birth defects. Then there was worry that baby Olivia would be addicted to the pain medication mommy needed. But Olivia, with God, survived that too, with no withdrawal symptoms at all! I truly believe this baby is a strong fighter and a miraculous survivor. I am certain God has big plans for her life. I can't wait to see them.
God bless you Olivia - thank you for letting me hold you last night - you are more precious than gold!
Love, your auntie Kristi